Game 6 (2005)– I was pleasantly surprised by this flick. The movie started and it didn’t really seem to be going anywhere, but on the back half, the cast and story come together and produce something much deeper than I expected.
3.5 out of 5
Top Gun (1986) – When it comes down to it, the fast passed action sequences and the corny jokes had me sold. What I am really confused by is how they took a 4 minute “Take My Breath Away” song and make it 25 min. I could go not hearing that song again.3 out of 5
Devil (2010) - When I went into this movie, I understood that it could go either way, but the way the story was told and the way it all came together, for whatever reason, worked for me. It's a thriller with a message and I really dug it. 4 out of 5
Enduring Love (2004) – Though it has a slow pace, I could never turn away from the movie. I was completely engulfed in these characters and I wanted to see what happened to them. The great performances mixed with the compelling score makes for a really solid movie.4 out of 5
Easy A (2010) - Any scene with Stanley Tucci is genuinely hilarious. The rest of the movie is just ehh. I'd wait for DVD with this one because it really is just OK. 3 out of 5
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